NYTimes.com Article: One Airline's 5 Weeks With a Medical Threat

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One Airline's 5 Weeks With a Medical Threat

April 18, 2003

On March 15, the captain of a Northwest Airlines 747 called
the airline's chief doctor to find out if he had heard
anything about a mysterious illness that had been
discovered in Asia.

That same day, an advisory from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention arrived in Northwest's safety and
environmental department in Eagan, Minn., with the first
description of the illness that has come to be known as
severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS.

The two events kicked off efforts by the airline and the
unions representing its flight crews and ground workers to
keep on top of the disease, which international aviation
officials say could cause more damage to the airline
industry than the war in Iraq.

In the weeks since SARS was first identified, Northwest has
begun asking passengers boarding flights in cities like
Hong Kong, Beijing and Toronto whether they have shown
SARS-like symptoms or been in contact with SARS patients.
It has formed a crisis team that receives daily updates on
the spread of disease. And it has instituted procedures
such as wiping down ticket counters every three hours in
cities with SARS cases and allowing employees to wear masks
and gloves if they feel a need.

Northwest's unions, however, are pressing for more
information and greater protection.

Northwest is particularly vulnerable to the impact of the
illness, since it is one of the two major United States
airlines serving Asia. (The other, United, declined to
discuss its procedures for dealing with SARS.)

Northwest is the largest United States carrier to Japan,
which is its main hub for flights to the rest of Asia,
including Hong Kong, where SARS has caused great concern.
Northwest does not serve Hong Kong directly from the United

Northwest is applying longstanding procedures for health
emergencies to deal with SARS, said Kenneth J. Hylander,
the airline's vice president for safety and engineering.

"When you're running a major multinational corporation, you
have processes and procedures to deal with any number of
crises that might come up at any time," he said. "You drill
and practice to those procedures. A flight attendant isn't
going to do anything different in terms of isolating a
passenger, whether it's SARS or a heart attack."

The airline says it has had only one suspected case of SARS
among its passengers or employees, when an 11-month-old
baby showed symptoms aboard a flight to Minneapolis from
Tokyo on March 30. The baby and its adoptive parents had
begun their trip in Beijing. They were moved to seats away
from other passengers and met at the airport by an
ambulance, which took them to the hospital. The baby was
found to have another virus, the airline said.

That case appeared two weeks after Northwest issued its
first advisory to employees, on March 17. Northwest then
formed a SARS crisis team with members from its
headquarters and managers from its offices in Asia.

The group has a daily conference call, which typically
includes a report from Northwest's chief doctor. There is
also a daily e-mail message from Northwest's Hong Kong
office on the situation there.

Despite the effort to communicate, Northwest's unions
complain that the airline is not doing enough about SARS.
In addition to the airline's advisories, the unions issue
their own notices to members, urging more caution than
either Northwest or the C.D.C. recommends.

A crucial area of disagreement centers on whether flight
attendants and other employees should wear masks and gloves
aboard flights within Asia. Northwest, like other airlines,
has for the most part adhered to C.D.C. guidelines for
airline employees, which say that under ordinary
circumstances, they do not need to wear masks aboard

The advisories do not recommend masks or gloves when
walking around cities in Asia, either, although millions of
residents in Hong Kong and elsewhere are wearing masks as a
matter of course.

Northwest's latest advisory, issued Monday, told employees
that they could wear their own masks if they felt it was
appropriate. But the Teamsters union, which represents the
flight attendants, wants Northwest to distribute masks and
gloves, as some Asian carriers have.

Laurel Rosin, a health and safety official with the
Teamsters' Northwest local, said flight attendants might
feel particularly anxious because they worry about being
infected if a passenger with the disease gives them a
drinking glass or used tissues to throw away.

"We can't control coughing or sneezing," Ms. Rosin said.
"What I'm saying is, we're trying to give our flight
attendants the benefit of the doubt."

Larry Pence, an official with the Airline Mechanics
Fraternal Association, said he had to appeal to a senior
airline executive before his members received permission to
wear masks. "The last thing Northwest Airlines needs is for
somebody to come down and be deathly ill or die from this
disease," he said.

Mr. Hylander acknowledged the employees' concerns, but said
the face mask issue was as much emotional as factual. By
allowing face masks, "some of that gets to the emotional
side," he said, adding, "The C.D.C. has not said it is
valid or necessary." Mr. Hylander said most flight
attendants were not wearing masks, "but they know they
could if they wanted to."

Mr. Hylander said the airline's best protection would be
its procedures for dealing with unexpected situations. "It
doesn't matter whether it's a snowstorm in Detroit or SARS
in Hong Kong or anthrax in Baltimore, or a strike by ground
workers in Paris," he said.


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