DID YOU KNOW? .... that in 2002, US Airways spent $68,087 in moving expenses for Dave Siegel? The company also spent $40,640 in moving expenses for CFO Neil Cohen. Source: US Airways' 10-K annual report. ... that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is now $3.5 billion in debt? Source: ABC News. ... Former US Airways President and CEO Rakesh Gangwal is set to become the new CEO of Worldspan (www.worldspan.com). Gangwal has been working with Citigroup Venture Capital Equity Partners. Once in place as the CEO of Worldspan, Gangwal has plans to paint corporate headquarters red, rename the company 'MetroSpanJet' and announce a merger .... which will ultimately fail. Upon his dismissal from Worldspan, he'll be rewarded with millions of dollars. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more