Traveler with anti-war signs finds complaint inserted into bag after=20 security search SEATTLE (AP) =97 An airline passenger who had two "No War with Iraq" signs= in=20 his suitcase says the federal security agent who opened his luggage=20 inserted a note criticizing his "anti-American attitude." "I found it=20 chilling and a little Orwellian to have received this message," said Seth=20 Goldberg, 41, of Cranbury, N.J. Federal Transportation Security=20 Administration officials are investigating. Goldberg says that after a=20 March 2 flight from Seattle to San Diego, he opened his bag and found a=20 card notifying him that TSA had opened and searched it. A handwritten note= =20 on the card said: "Don't appreciate your anti-American attitude!" He said=20 it would have been hard for anyone else to have placed the note because=20 when he claimed the bag in San Diego the zipper pulls were sealed with=20 nylon straps that indicated a TSA inspection. If a TSA employee placed the note, "we will take appropriate and swift=20 action," TSA spokesman Brian Turmail said Saturday from Washington, D.C.=20 "That is not appropriate behavior and not within the very high expectations= =20 we hold ... and that the American public has a right to expect," Turmail=20 added. Screeners are trained "in a range of customer service issues ... to= =20 assure the security process is polite, professional and appropriate,"=20 Turmail said. Goldberg said he picked up the anti-war signs in Seattle. "In= =20 New Jersey there's very little in the way of protest and when I got to=20 Seattle I was amazed how many anti-war signs were up in front of houses,"=20 he said. *************************************************** The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site/ Roj (Roger James) escape email mailto:ejames@xxxxxxxxx Trinbago site: Carib Brass Ctn site Steel Expressions Site of the Week: TnT Webdirectory: *********************************************************