From: "David J. Wallace" <katana.flyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 12:18 PM > > Could have been over-rotation. Could also have been incorrect loading / early > rotation / misset trim et al. Good thing is it happened in New Zealand so we > will probably find out what actually happened. > > Aircraft down for at least 14 days, much longer if the pressure dome is > damaged. 9V-SMT for those who care. > > Any one you can walk away from and all that... > It seems as if the hull failure that brought down the 747-200 en route from Taipei to Hong Kong a few months ago was a result of the fuselage buckling from a tail strike many years earlier. Also the Japanese 747SP, the crash of which caused the largest single plane loss of life in history, failed because of poor repair of the pressure dome. We hope they do a good job fixing this one. Gerry