Air travel woes prompt budget crunches at Arkansas airports

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Air travel woes prompt budget crunches at Arkansas airports

LITTLE ROCK (AP) =97 Little Rock National Airport has postponed its request=
for money to extend one of its runways, citing increased security costs=20
coupled with less revenue available from airlines. Travel is up slightly=20
since the months following the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. But 11%=20
fewer people boarded planes at the airport in January 2003 compared to=20
January 2001, prior to the attacks, said airport spokesman Philip Launius.=
Budgets are also tight at Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport at Highfill=20
and at Fort Smith Regional Airport. The Little Rock airport could pay as=20
much as $2 million for security for the current budget year, double what it=
spent prior to the attacks. The airport is due $300,000 from the federal=20
government for a partial reimbursement. Most airlines are experiencing=20
financial woes; American Airlines has raised the possibility of seeking=20
protection from its creditors. Little Rock's airport has not yet reached=20
financial agreements for the year with airlines. The airport projects=20
income of $23.9 million for its 2003 budget, $100,000 less than one year=20
prior. The biggest single source of money for the airport is parking, which=
is estimated at $5.9 million for the year. The sum is the same as last=20
year, but 11% less than previously budgeted. Passenger facility charges =97=
$4.50 from every airline ticket purchased =97 will bring in $4.7 million,=20
also flat from last year. Highfill airport manager Kelly Johnson says the=20
facility had to double its police force. She said that and other security=20
enhancements have taken money that otherwise would have been spent on=20
improvements. Little Rock's airport has not abandoned the $7.1 million=20
runway project. The airport is spending $2.2 million in passenger facility=
charge money to relocate Roosevelt Road to create room for the runway. The=
airport is also making other improvements. Still, the airport is keeping=20
$400,000 in the bank as a security contingency fund.

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