Ten injured on flight from Hawaii to San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (AP) =97 A United Airlines flight from Hawaii to San Francisco= =20 plunged suddenly after hitting turbulence early Thursday, injuring 10=20 people, including five flight attendants who were slammed into the jet's=20 ceiling. Seven of those injured were taken to a hospital, San Francisco=20 International Airport officials said. The flight was carrying 147=20 passengers. The seat belt sign was on when the plane began to shake and=20 then dropped toward the Pacific about an hour southwest of San Francisco,=20 airport duty manager Dennis Neves said. "Once you've got a sharp drop like= =20 that, everything hits the roof," he said. When the flight arrived around=20 4:30 a.m., paramedics treated 10 people at the gate. Four of them had their= =20 necks and backs stabilized before they were taken to the hospital. Neves=20 said he thought the plane was flying close to a storm that was bearing down= =20 on San Francisco *************************************************** The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site/TnTisland.com Roj (Roger James) escape email mailto:ejames@xxxxxxxxx Trinbago site: www.tntisland.com Carib Brass Ctn site www.tntisland.com/caribbeanbrassconnection/ Steel Expressions www.mts.net/~ejames/se/ Site of the Week: http://www.tha.gov.tt/ TnT Webdirectory: http://search.co.tt *********************************************************