Teamsters to boycott meetings with Northwest on labor cost cuts MINNEAPOLIS (AP) =97 The Teamsters union says it will boycott future= meetings=20 with Northwest Airlines executives about the carrier's business plan and=20 proposed labor cost cuts. "We're not going to be pushed into something.=20 We're not going to be rushed," said Mollie Reiley, trustee of Teamsters=20 Local 2000, which represents about 11,000 Northwest flight attendants. "We've got a contract. It's in place and it's not amendable until June of=20 2005," she said. Reiley made her comments Tuesday after the first of three= =20 meetings called by the company to make its financial case for cuts in labor= =20 costs, and on the same day the breakaway Professional Flight Attendants=20 Association filed papers with the National Mediation Board to replace the=20 Teamsters as the union for Northwest flight attendants. Reiley said her=20 members already have made sacrifices, adding that 1,130 flight attendants=20 have been laid off and those still employed started paying for 20% of their= =20 health care premiums in January. The Eagan-based carrier used a similar meeting format with the Northwest=20 branch of the Air Line Pilots Association. Last month, the executives asked= =20 the pilots for $2.76 billion in labor cost cuts over 6{ years. In addition= =20 to a 17.4% pay cut, the company wants to lay off an additional 343 pilots.= =20 Reiley said Tuesday that the ALPA has agreed to share some information with= =20 the flight attendants. The ALPA is paying for an independent financial=20 analysis of Northwest and received a preliminary report in Memphis on=20 Tuesday during a quarterly meeting of its union leadership. "We're not=20 going to sit here ignorant," Reiley said. Reiley and other union leaders have been critical of Northwest management=20 for requesting cuts from its labor unions while not making similar cuts in= =20 their own compensation. In the case of flight attendants, Reiley said, some= =20 "are taking home a little over $20,000 (a year) and paying about $200 a=20 month for health care." *************************************************** The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site/ Roj (Roger James) escape email mailto:ejames@xxxxxxxxx Trinbago site: Carib Brass Ctn site Steel Expressions Site of the Week: TnT Webdirectory: *********************************************************