Hi Airline subscribers, Some of you already know me from the last time I got involved with this, but, in short, I maintain the LISTSERV software for the City University of New York. I'm also a long time AIRLINE list subscriber, strictly in "lurk" mode. First off, as a stop-gap measure: 1) As of right now, ALL subscribers can post to the AIRLINE list. and 2) I've approved the few legitimate posts which were waiting for approval that were still available -- posts which are not been approved in a week disappear so anything posted more than a week ago which hasn't yet shown up never will. By the way, there were about 40 posts waiting for approval and 35 or so of those were spam, so we definitely don't want to open up posting for non-subscribers. Now, for the long term: Yes, I know about the difficulties you are having getting your posts approved. As is typical, the moderator of this list is overloaded. This is such an ongoing problem that I have essentially ZERO confidence things will ever improve as long as Geert is the only moderator of the AIRLINE list. Geert is a great guy and I like him, but that doesn't change my opinion about this situation: he just doesn't have any time even if he refuses to acknowledge that fact. His actions, or rather, his lack of actions, tell the true story. Seeing how Geert is no longer affiliated with this university, I have no problem assisting someone to move the list elsewhere. For example, by letting the sucke.... ehh, the volunteer, FTP all the past archives to a new server. And/or I can set up an autoresonder so anyone who tries to subscribe here can be redirected to the new site. BUT, I would not like to just hand if off to the first person who opens up a yahoo-group or something, so if you are willing to host it please e-mail me and tell me why you should host it and where and if there are some good responses we can take it from there. Alternatively, if there happens to be someone affiliated with CUNY who can share list or moderation duties, that's perfect. I know a couple of years ago I asked for volunteers and received some GREAT responses, but management really would rather not continue to support a list where there isn't at least SOME affiliation with CUNY. Thanks, and sorry for all the problems. Bill City University of New York Computer Center 212-541-0988