Thanks to our great government and the department of Homeland Security, people who hold GreenCards (i.e. LEGAL residents of this country) are getting blamed for the action of terrorists of Sept 11. Although there wasn't a SINGLE premanent resindent among the hijackers, now we are not eligible to fly any aircraft with a gross weight higher than 12,500 lbs. (Read, any aircraft that requires a type rating) On top of everything else, according to a new law that came into effect last week, TSA can revoke any pilot's certificate with no questions asked, just because of a suspition that you may pose a security threat. US citizens get the chance to defend themselves. GreenCard holders do not.. TSA doesn't even have to tell you why, where, what clues, etc. were used in revoking your certificate.. Just like that.. You are a pilot one day, the next day you are not!! The law was passed with not a single comment as our beloved administration and the department of Homeland Security belived there wasn't need for one. I already got turned down by an airline because of this Citizen vs. Permanent Resident rule.. and I am being sick and tired as being put in the same group of people as 19 hijackers that killed thousands.. Done with venting... BAHA ACUNER - CFI,CFII,MEI