I'm one of the original Netcom users from way back=2E Just a slight correction, we were bought by Mindspring, and then Earthlink bought Mindspring=2E The domain names aren't the problem - as you can see my ix=2Enetcom=2Ecom address works just fine! ~Greg Original Message: ----------------- From: David Mueller dmueller7@lycos=2Ecom Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 21:56:01 -1000 To: AIRLINE@LISTSERV=2ECUNY=2EEDU Subject: Re: Fw: is the problem? the list owner address listed ISP thati= s out of business! Mindspring is now part of Earthlink, but they maintain the mindspring=2Ecom email addresses=2E If you go to www=2Emindspring=2Ecom y= ou will be redirected to the Earthlink=2Enet homepage=2E Earthlink also boug= ht Netcom a while back, and those email addresses (ix=2Enetcom=2Ecom) also still work=2E -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E