SF Gate: United's next battle is simply to survive/Bankruptcy shows airline bleeding $20 million a day

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Tuesday, December 10, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
United's next battle is simply to survive/Bankruptcy shows airline bleeding=
 $20 million a day
David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer

   In bleak detail, United Airlines' bankruptcy filing Monday revealed a
company bleeding $20 million a day -- a once-profitable business leveled
by billions in debt, high costs and last year's terrorist attacks.
   United owes $21.2 billion to creditors that include the San Francisco
Airport Commission, aircraft maker Airbus and the city of Indianapolis.
The company's assets stand at $22.8 billion.
   Ticket sales have tumbled more than 30 percent from $16.9 billion in 2000
to an estimated $11.8 billion this year
   In the largest airline bankruptcy on record, United filed Monday for
Chapter 11 protection from its creditors while it reorganizes. U.S.
Bankruptcy Court Judge Eugene R. Wedoff in Chicago authorized the company
to tap $800 million of the $1.5 billion in emergency financing United had
lined up during the weekend.
   In spite of that infusion, United Chief Executive Officer Glenn Tilton
warned employees that the months ahead would require sacrifice. The
airline, with 16,000 employees in Northern California, will have to "go
further and deeper in our efforts to reduce our costs," he said.
   But he insisted United could survive as a global airline, possibly
emerging from the court's protection in 18 months.
   "Filing for Chapter 11 does not mean that United is going out of
business," Tilton said in a prepared statement to the airline's employees.
"In fact it means exactly the opposite."
   The world's second-largest airline sought to assure customers Monday that
it would continue flying, honoring tickets and leaving its frequent flier
program untouched. Although the company's long-range plans -- even before
bankruptcy -- have called for reducing its 1,700 daily flights by 6
percent, those changes are not expected immediately.
   In contrast, the airline's latest round of cost cutting began Monday. The
company, based in suburban Chicago, said it would reduce the salaries of
its more than 10,000 salaried employees and officers, who are not
represented by one of the company's powerful unions. Officers will lose 11
percent of their annual pay. Salaried and management employees will see
their wages cut anywhere from 2.8 percent to 10.7 percent depending on how
much they make.
   United management will begin meeting with its unions today, with Tilton
scheduled to visit Bay Area employees Wednesday. Most of the airline's
unions had previously agreed to pay cuts totaling $5.2 billion in an
effort to avoid bankruptcy court, but that agreement fell apart when the
company failed to get a $1.8 billion government loan guarantee last week.
   Many industry analysts consider lowering United's labor costs one of the
keys to the airline's revival. The airline machinists' union Monday warned
its members of tough times ahead but urged them to help the airline
through its financial crisis.
   "All United Airlines employees must work together to ensure our survival=
International Association of Machinists district Presidents S. R. "Randy"
Canale and Scotty Ford told union members in a joint statement. "We are
all going to have to make some difficult decisions and make sacrifices."
   United's 83,000 employees have already endured a grueling year. The Sept.
11 terrorist attacks, coupled with a weak economy, led to a dramatic
slowdown in travel. That triggered layoffs, temporary furloughs and the
collapse of United's once-solid stock.
   "This has been going on since 9/11, so today isn't really any different,"
said flight attendant Gail Marie, working a Monday morning flight from
Philadelphia to San Francisco. "But I think this time it's going to start
to hurt the employees -- not the customers. I don't even know if I have
job security anymore. So I'll just keep showing up for work until someone
tells me to stop."
   The government decision that all but forced United into bankruptcy
continued to provoke anger Monday. Rep. Ellen Tauscher, R-Walnut Creek, a
member of the Aviation Subcommittee of the House Transportation Committee,
said she was asking for a hearing into the Air Transportation
Stabilization Board's rejection of United's loan guarantee application.
The board was created last year to administer aid to airlines hurt by the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
   "Its purpose was to stabilize a patient on life support, not decide who
should get the kidneys," said Tauscher, who added that the board had
permitted itself to be influenced by United's competitors. She worried
that the company's financial problems could spread.
   "It doesn't take the two decades I spent on Wall Street to figure out th=
the ATSB's inaction is causing a ripple effect in our already lagging
economy, " she said.
   The pilots union echoed her criticism. Captain Duane Woerth, president of
the Air Line Pilots Association, wondered why President Bush had chosen to
intervene in other situations deemed harmful to the economy but would not
help United.
   "Pilots across the country are saddened, disappointed and angry that an
airline as eminent as United, which was used symbolically by terrorists to
carry out mass destruction, is now in bankruptcy," Woerth said in a
prepared statement. "It pains me to acknowledge that terrorism scored
another victory, and this administration let it happen."
   The long list of United's creditors includes San Francisco International
Airport, which the company owes about $7.6 million for rents and fees at
the airport.
   But SFO spokesman Mike McCarron said United was current on all its bills.
   Although Chapter 11 will give United the chance to work out new terms wi=
creditors and cut costs, it will not necessarily ensure the company's
   Lynn M. LoPucki, a UCLA law professor, said 20 to 30 percent of large
companies that emerged from bankruptcy court fell back into it or
liquidated in five years. Typically, such companies adopt reorganization
plans that don't solve their fundamental problems.
   "It's the very same financial problems that drove them into bankruptcy --
they come out with those problems, and they do them in," said LoPucki.
   The bankruptcy judge, he said, must be willing to force a company to ado=
necessary changes it wants to avoid.
   "A judge has to be in a position to say 'no' to a company," LoPucki said.
"The parties will not automatically come to a resolution that is good for
the company. They come to a resolution that is good for them."
   Stock in United's parent company, UAL Corp., closed Monday unchanged at =

   -- No immediate effect on travelers. United will continue to fly while it
reorganizes under Chapter 11, a process that could take a year or two.
   -- Long term, the airline will reduce the number of flights as it
struggles to regain profitability. As it reduces its capacity, it may
ground some planes,
   cut flights and eliminate unprofitable overseas routes.
   -- United says no changes are planned for its frequent flier program.
Industry observers say the airline probably will keep the program intact
to hold on to its customer base. However, the airline may tighten rules in
the future and require more mileage for trips.
   -- The cutbacks at United could prompt measures to increase efficiency in
the rest of the airline industry. One result of those changes could be
lower business fares.
   -- UAL's stock could be virtually worthless in bankruptcy. The stock,
which closed at 93 cents on Monday, has plunged 99 percent since reaching
$100 in 1997.
   Source: Chronicle staff and wire services.

   UAL Corp., the parent company of United Airlines, filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection on Monday.
   Sept. 10, 2001 stock price: $30.82
   Sept. 11, 2001: Two United planes are among the four hijacked by
terrorists and crashed. Markets are closed; stock price drops to $17.50
after markets reopen on Sept. 17.
   Sept. 19, 2001: UAL announces 20,000 layoffs.
   Feb. 1, 2002: UAL announces $2.1 billion loss for 2001, a record for any
   June 24: Company asks the federal government for $1.8 billion loan
   Dec. 4: Government rejects UAL's request for financial assistance; the
company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection five days later.
Monday's closing stock price: 93 cents
   Sources: Yahoo.com; Commodity Systems Inc.; Associated Press
   Associated Press Graphic

   Chronicle staff writers Jim Brewer and George Raine contributed to this
report. / E-mail David R. Baker at dbaker@sfchronicle.com. AIRLINE PROFITS =
   Fortune magazine's list of the nine largest airlines showed airline prof=
in the tank in 2001. All but one major carrier reported a loss. Only Southw=
 with a $511 million profit, escaped the red ink.
   Revenues              Profits
   Change      Profit     Profit
   from     (or loss)  (or loss)
   Airlines            in millions   2000    in millions    rank
   1  AMR (American)        $18,963      (6)%    $(1,762)       7
   2  UAL (United)           16,138     (17)      (2,145)       9
   3  Delta Air Lines        13,879     (17)      (1,216)       6
   4  NWA (Northwest)         9,905     (13)        (423)       5
   5  Continental Airlines    8,969      (9)         (95)       3
   6  US Airways Group        8,288     (11)      (1,969)       8
   7  Southwest Airlines      5,555      (2)         511        1
   8  Alaska Air Group        2,141      (2)         (40)       2
   9  America West            2,066     (12)        (148)       4
   Source: Fortune magazine

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