July 18, 2002 Pilots and guns revisited > Thomas Sowell In a stunning reversal, California's liberal Democratic Sen. Barbara=20 Boxer has come out in favor of allowing airline pilots to carry guns if they= =20 wish, while the Bush administration opposes it. Meanwhile, the House of=20 Representatives has passed a bill to permit pilots to carry guns by a vote o= f=20 310 to 113. Although Mrs. Boxer is a staunch supporter of gun control, on this=20 particular issue she clearly understands it is better to have an armed pilot= =20 than to have to order a military plane to shoot down one of our own=20 commercial airliners, full of innocent people, because hijackers have taken=20 it over and are ready to do a repeat of last September 11. We can only hope the administration is as willing as Mrs. Boxer to=20 rethink its position of opposing the arming of pilots. But the Transportatio= n=20 Department remains closed-minded on the issue. When asked by Rep. Don Young,= =20 Alaska Republican, "Do you really think that 9/11 would have happened if our= =20 pilots had been armed, as they should have been armed?" a spokesman for the=20 Transportation Department replied: "Our position remains unchanged." It was=20 reminiscent of that famous line: " 'Shut up,' he explained." Opponents of allowing pilots to be armed have portrayed horror movie=20 visions of pilots and terrorists shooting it out in the aisles of airliners.= =20 But the main reason for arming pilots is not so that they can re-enact the=20 gunfight at the OK Corral. The main reason for having guns for self-defense=20 anywhere is deterrence. In John Lott's landmark scholarly study titled "More Guns, Less Crime,"= =20 he points out that most instances of the successful use of a gun in=20 self-defense do not involve actually firing it. Just showing an aggressor=20 that you have a firearm is usually enough to make him back off. Having it=20 widely known in advance that people in certain places have guns is a huge=20 deterrent to those who might otherwise be inclined to start trouble in those= =20 places. Communities that have passed laws permitting any law-abiding citizen to= =20 carry a gun usually have immediate declines in crimes in the wake of such=20 laws. Both criminals and terrorists prefer to attack unarmed civilians. Even mass killers labeled "irrational" by the media and by shrinks=20 almost invariably start shooting in places where other people are unarmed,=20 like schools or offices. And they stop when they encounter someone else who=20 is armed. If not, they get stopped, like the assassin at Los Angeles=20 International Airport on July Fourth. Depending on armed marshals aboard airplanes might be an alternative to= =20 arming pilots =E2=80=94 if there were any realistic prospect of putting mars= hals on=20 even half the vast numbers of planes that are flying every day. But=20 hypothetical marshals are no substitute for real pilots with real guns. Depending on stronger cockpit doors might be another alternative =E2= =80=94 if=20 all these doors on vast numbers of airliners could be strengthened faster=20 than pilots can get guns. But hypothetical doors are no more protection than= =20 hypothetical marshals. Tests have also repeatedly shown that the=20 effectiveness of security screening at our airports is also largely=20 hypothetical. Part of the reason for the knee-jerk reaction to firearms may be that w= e=20 now have a whole generation of people =E2=80=94 especially in politics and a= mong=20 opinion-makers in the media =E2=80=94 who have never served in the armed for= ces and=20 have no experience with guns. Fear from ignorance is understandable. But tha= t=20 it should be presumptuous ignorance is not. =20 Are there any possible dangers to arming pilots? Of course. There are danger= s=20 to your holding this newspaper, which might catch fire and set off a=20 conflagration around you. Nothing on the face of this Earth is 100 percent=20 safe. We already know that flying on a plane with no one on board who is=20 armed to resist terrorists is not safe. The only meaningful question is which danger is greater. The swiftness=20 with which the idea of arming pilots was dismissed suggests no serious=20 interest in weighing one danger against another. It may be understandable=20 that the Bush administration does not want to buck the media on this=20 emotional issue in an election year. But will the widows and orphans of thos= e=20 who lose their lives, because there was no armed person on board to thwart=20 terrorists, be understanding? =20 =20 =20