I have the following issues of Air Transport World available. The magazines are free; you just need to pay the postage. USPS Book Rate postage will probably be about 25 cents/issue; surface mail to addresses outside the US will probably be about the same. September, 2000: Ryanair, Legend Airlines November, 2000: A3XX, Dragonair, 747 March, 2001: Cathay Pacific, Malev, DFW, Mesa May, 2001: British Midland, Continental's EWR hub June, 2001: Japan Air Lines, America West, SkyWest, JetBlue July, 2001: Frontier, Malaysia Airways, World Airline Report August,2001: Avro RJX, Lufthansa Technik, Atlantic Coast September, 2001: US Airways, Finnair, ComAir October, 2001: Delta Airlines, Manchester Airport November, 2001: Ansett collapses, Big Sky, Charlotte Airport December, 2001: Fairchild Doriner, long range flight January, 2002: China Air Lines, 2002 Forecast, Emirates April, 2002: Information Systems at Delta, Monarch Airlines May, 2002: Alaska, regional jets August, 2002: Horizon, future of the 747 September, 2002: Qantas, Southwest Magazines will be reserved on a first come/first serve basis; I have extra copies of a few issues. Joe Wolf Minneapolis, Minnesota