This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C258D3.449BCC40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit U.S. Raises Terror Alert Level Sep 10, 1:53 PM (ET) By JOHN SOLOMON WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration raised the nation's terror alert warning to its second highest level Tuesday - code orange - signaling a "high risk" of attack ahead of the Sept. 11 anniversary. It was the first time since the terrorist attacks that the level was set so high. The elevation was announced by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Ashcroft cited "specific intelligence on specific attacks on U.S. interests overseas." He said that President Bush had approved the change. At the same time, the State Department announced that the government was temporarily closing for public business about two dozen U.S. diplomatic posts worldwide. Officials cited specific threats against U.S. embassies in southeast Asia, including embassies in Indonesia and Malaysia. < NEWS/SITE=excite.ap/AAMSZ=336x280> Ashcroft said the government was not urging Americans to change their travel plans or that there be a cancellation of events. Similarly, he said there was no call for government workers to stay home. Ashcroft said the United States had gathered intelligence suggesting that such attacks are intended to coincide with the Sept. 11 anniversary of the terrorist attacks. "Symbols of American power and authority," such as embassies, military facilities and national monuments are possible targets, Ashcroft. He said terrorists might "lash out in even small strikes," including car bombings and other suicide attacks. Security was also being increased at military bases worldwide, Ashcroft said. The level, which reflects a "high risk of terrorist attacks," is one step below the top "red," or "severe risk." The level had been at "yellow," in the middle of the five-color scale. Code orange calls for government officials to take extra precaution at public events and to coordinate their efforts with the military. Access to various government installations is restricted to only "essential personnel." Officials said there was no specific threat against targets in the United States, but the government opted to raise the alert level because of an increase in communications - what the intelligence community calls "chatter" - among suspected terrorists. Ashcroft said Americans should remain "alert but defiant in the face of this new threat." Ridge, speaking of the threat at home, said "specific protective measures" would be taken by federal agencies as a result of the heightened alert status. He said these would likely include more barriers around federal buildings and more inspections. Americans should use their common sense and be more alert to possible threats, Ridge said. "Be wary and be mindful," Ridge cautioned. Ridge had spoken earlier Tuesday with governors and their staffs. Among them was George Vinson, the anti-terror chief in Gov. Gray Davis' administration in California. Ridge called the governors to prepare them for the Justice Department's announcement, Vinson said. ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C258D3.449BCC40 Content-Type: image/gif; name="1x1.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location: R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAQAICRAEAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C258D3.449BCC40--