From: "Russell Ng" <> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 8:19 PM > Dear Friends > > In the September 2002 of Popular Science, these is an article entitled > "Making America Safe - Blueprint For A Sterile Airport." > > Fortunately, for those who don't subscribe, it's on the Net at: > >,12543,334844,00.html > > IMHO it's good reading and raises a number of points like would Americans > be comfortable with a national identification card, something a lot of us > in the world might have experience with already. > American resistance to a national identification card stems from a feeling that we would be more vulnerable to official oppression and control of marginally legal activity. Marginally legal activity includes much of what we call "free speech". The concept that "free speech" does not include freedom to yell FIRE in a crowded theater raises the question of what is analagous to such a cry. May one yell FIRE in a crowded theater when there is a fire? No, because the panic will do more damage than the fire. But what may one do if there is a fire? Actually it is questionable whether the existence of a national identification card would make official oppression easier. When I write my opposition to an attack on Iraq I sign my name and address, so that if the FBI wants to try to jail me for treasonable propraganda against the administration they can find me, catd or no card. Many organs will not accept my letters if I do not identify myself, so have I not already lost much of the freedom that might be threatened by the card? Gerry