>From the article: "The Greater Toronto Airports Authority says cellphone service in parts of the terminal is poor. It wants better signal coverage and improved network infrastructure. " So, let me get this straight. If the service is cut off, this improvies it? Glad to know that it's not only the American government that is not playing with a full deck. -- David Ross http://home.attbi.com/~damiross > TORONTO AIRPORT FACING CELLPHONE SERVICE SHUTDOWN > The authority that runs the largest airport in the country could cut off > wireless access inside the complex by midnight Wednesday. > FULL STORY: > http://cbc.ca/stories/2002/07/03/to_pearson020703 > > > > The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: > Roj (Roger James) > *************************************************** > escape email mailto:ejames@escape.ca > Trinbago site: http://www.tntisland.com > CBC Website > http://www.tntisland.com/caribbeanbrassconnection/ > The Trinbago Site of the Week: > (Solo) http://www.solobev.com/ > (Solo Beverages) > courtesy of Roj Trinbago Website & TnT Web Directory > Roj's Trinbago Website: http://www.tntisland.com > TnT Web Directory: http://search.co.tt > *********************************************************