Interesting visitor to Hancock International Airport (Syracuse -- SYR) today: a TWA 717. Apparently Boeing was in town trying to peddle the 717 to startup Northern Airlines, which originally planned to begin service late this year (after nine years of planning). Not surprising, Boeing was very positive on making Syracuse into a hub city for an airline. Word today, though, was that there are financial problems and the start of operations will likely get pushed back at least into 2003. Northern had been in negotiations with the Pyramid Group--currently building the largest mall in the US in Syracuse, DestiNY USA--to partner with the mall and rename themselves DestiNY Airlines. Those negotiations have apparently fallen through and, at present, the idea is off the table. I know you've been following this one for a while Walter. Looks like a bit longer before you can take your first flight from SYR as a hub city. --Doug