At the risk of sounding a bit Macabre, I have always wondered if any of the victims (survivors) of the Twin Towers attack saw either of the aircraft headed for them.... I got my answer today, Ironically, as we were outbound on CO EWR-ATL, the gentleman in seat 4B across from me was reading the front portion of the Sunday NY Times, which featured several pages titled 'Fighting to Live, as the Towers Died'.....I noticed the article, and he gave me the paper when he was finished...... This excerpt was especially interesting, the gentleman mentioned here got out in time, and the whole article is a fascinating, chilling, and horrific account of what went on inside the towers..... I quote from the NY Times, "9:02 South Tower, 81st Floor, Fuji Bank, 57 minutes to collapse.... Yes, Stanley Praimnath told the caller from Chicago, he was fine. He had actually evacuated to the lobby of the south tower, but a security guard told him to go back. Now, he was again at his desk at Fuji Bank. "I'm fine," he repeated. As he would later tell his story, those were his final words before he spotted it. A gray shape on the horizon. An airplane, flying past the Statue of Liberty. The body of the United Airlines jet grew larger until he could see a red stripe on the fuselage. Then it banked and headed directly toward him. Another one. "Lord, you take over!" he remembers yelling, dropping under his metal desk. At 9:02:54, the nose of the jetliner smashed directly into Mr. Praimnath's floor, about 130 feet from his desk. A fireball ignited. Steel furnishings and aluminum plane parts were torn into white-hot shrapnel. A blast wave hurled computers and desks through windows, and ripped out bundles of arcing electrical cables. Then the south tower seemed to stoop, swinging gradually toward the Hudson River, ferociously testing the steel skeleton before snapping back." ...This portion of the article goes on to say that a piece of aluminum off the aircraft pierced the door of his office..... Thought some of you folks might be interested in this, go to the Times website and register and read the whole article (for free) if you wish.... So hazy today, could not even see Manhattan from EWR! Bryant Petitt Cumming, GA __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup