Quick last word on the underlying math. Notwithstanding the relevant comments on the composition of the numbers themselves. An increase from 3 to 9 would be an increase of 200%... not more. - RWM Scotty wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <damiross@attbi.com> > > > One last word on this then I'll leave it, too. > > Australia banned guns, crime shot up (no pun intended). > > I was waiting for this line to be pulled, so I am sorry, but there is no > "one last word" on this one mate. > > Don't start on something you know nothing about man.....how many times do I > have to say to people do not listen to NRA produced videos as your official > and only source of information. > > Australia banned handguns and such many years ago, and the crime rate really > hasn't risen all that much here. > > Yes, by looking at the statistics, the homocide by firearm statistic did > rise in Victoria. And by a figure of 300%. DID YOU GET THAT? THREE HUNDRED > PERCENT!!! But what the statistics don't tell you is the true picture....... > > In the year (I can't remember which one it was) the NRA used in their > propaganda video, the homicide by firearm statistic was 3. Yes 3. Out of a > state with over 3 million people. The following year, this statistic shot up > to 9. An increase of 300%. But what the NRA didn't tell you is that of these > extra 6 murders, 5 of them were made up of members of one family who were > victims of a murder-suicide. 2 of the other deaths were also family murder > related. That leaves you with 2 murders which were not committed in the > family home. From memory, one of the others was a gang-style murder. Dunno > about the other. > > It is also a fact that most homicides with firearms occur in the family > home, where one family member shoots another family member. > > So, please don't say that crime rates in this country have gone up as a > result of banning guns, because you will be showing everyone you really know > nothing about what you are commenting on. > > That my friend, is the "one last word" > > G'day to ya ;-) > > Scotty