In a message dated 5/3/02 5:54:46 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << I've heard this several times, but what exactly has changed? >> When everyone sitting in F paid for it. They were all dressed properly (no jeans, tennis shoes, tshirts etc ) They were generally important people (not just freq flyers who THINK they are important)They paid maybe 10 times the Y fare because they could. F/As realized the very high amt paid for those seats and seemed to treat the psgrs with a bit more sincere service and attitude(you were really treated with respect and deference) The food service was often fabulous, reallly great meals (keeping in mind the location) far better prepared and with much costlier ingrediants than todays odds and ends. Again since youre giving it away free--who would pay for it? no one and whats the incentive to provide anything really special? none. Its just a perk for FF and if all the majors dumped F class ( like they all stopped paying travel agents commissions) what ya gonna do? You would just have to put up with it.