In a message dated 5/2/02 10:43:34 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << Grow to be the industry leader, once again. Regards to the list, JCK >> Oh so you wanna do it the easy way huh? But what is the do we change UAL to make more people fly. Major route changes? Fare cuts--? I wonder Maybe the days of business travelers paying high fares and supporting the carriers are a thing of the past-may never come back to that scene. Maybe all the money spent on perks to attract those high paying travelers should be cut drastically with the lowering of business airfares to match. Sort of a big souped up Southwest. Maybe the airlines of the future will never go back to the Firstclass cabins, upgrades, lounges and special promotions and high costs they made necessary.. Maybe a simple 2 class system economy deluxe and economy regular. Deluxe has a bit more room and no advance purchase and is $1000.00 rt (say JFK LAX) and regular Y has 7 day advance purchase, less space and is a flat $500.00. Something along those lines-real real simple with no deals or commissions or nuttin. Dennis Oh and sell all the Airbuses too.