You are right Alexandre. When the dictator...oops...president of Kazakhstan declared a few years ago that the name of the country and all enterprises within the country which use the word in their name, were to use the spelling Kazakstan. This silly declaration only was in force for a short time (I am talking weeks or months here), but Air Kazakhstan was founded in that time, hence Air Kazakstan. Their website at is already reflecting the new spelling, and aircraft are soon to follow...although the aircraft may be put on hold as talks over a possible merger between Air Kazakhstan, Air Astana and Irtysh-Avia are held. Cheers Scotty Quoting Alexandre <>: > > > Scotty wrote: > > > > This new airline which was announced some time ago by the Kazakhstan > > Government, to take over the domestic routes of Air Kazakhstan > (formerly Air > > Kazakstan) has just had it's first 737-800 rolled out in it's livery. > > > > I am lost here: is KazakHstan taking back the 'H' in its name that it > lost in 1995 ? > > Re Air Astana, I understand they are backed by BAe Systems. This may > explain where the cash comes from. > > Cordialement, > > Alexandre. > >