During a one day jaunt to ISP yesterday on WN, I inquired to an agent when the plastic boarding cards would be terminated. She advised me in June. I then mentioned, I was wondering since I am hoping to collect a few. She jumped back at me something similar to, "Oh No, the FAA sent a letter to Dallas saying that is not going to be allowed and they were very serious about it. In fact, we just got a letter a couple weeks ago that if any employee is caught having them in their possession, taking them or giving them out, it will be a federal crime". Another agent walked up at that point and asked, "You must be talking about the boarding cards", and the first agent replied, "yep, and I was hoping to collect a complete set of at least one of each color. I went through the "oh really, I can't believe it" routine and the first agent replied, "the employees are mad too". Walter DCA