Experts: Airline Bailout Was Wrong

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By Brad Foss
AP Business Writer
Monday, March 18, 2002; 3:57 PM

At a private meeting on Capitol Hill five days after the terrorist attacks,
aviation expert Darryl Jenkins gave congressional leaders his stamp of
approval on a multibillion-dollar bailout being lobbied for by the airline

The massive cash infusion would be a shot in the arm for the ailing
industry, he reasoned, and would send a message to terrorists that America
would not allow them to knock out such a vital industry.

But six months later, Jenkins, other industry experts and some economists
believe the $5 billion payout to compensate carriers for lost business
shouldn't have been rushed through without more strings attached.

The $10 billion in loan guarantees made available was tied to strict
preconditions, but so far only one major carrier, America West, has tapped
that fund.

"Should we have been a little more circumspect and argumentative? With what
we know now, we probably did act too hastily," said Jenkins, director of the
Aviation Institute at George Washington University.

"Longtime structural problems could have been better addressed through
Chapter 11 than a bailout," he said.

Jenkins worries that major carriers have less incentive and leverage to
tackle fundamental problems, such as the high cost of labor, now that the
intense financial pressure has been lifted. Knowing that their employers
received hundreds of millions of dollars apiece, unionized workers at
United, US Airways and other airlines have become less likely to accept wage
reductions during labor negotiations, he said.

Wall Street analysts argue that while the emergency aid bolstered a few of
the weakest carriers, it only delayed the rest of the industry's recovery. A
Chapter 11 bankruptcy here or there, or even some consolidation, would have
increased the remaining carriers' market share and returned them to
profitability sooner, analysts said.

The impact on consumers is another story.

"One big bankruptcy I think the customers would survive just fine," said
Michael E. Levine, a professor at Harvard Law School and a former airline
executive. "Two big ones and you're beginning to push pretty hard on the
level of competition in the industry."

But in the immediate aftermath of the 48-hour shutdown of the nation's air
space, and as concerns about the safety of air travel mounted, airline
executives pleaded with Congress for a bailout, saying it was the only
action that could prevent widespread bankruptcies.

"In those dark days after Sept. 11, we were all scared," Jenkins conceded.
"None of us thought we'd ever recover from all of this."

Indeed, the rush to bail out the airlines also had patriotic roots, said
Clifford Winston, an economist at the Brookings Institution in Washington
who also was invited to the Sept. 16 meeting on Capitol Hill.

"We were going to make a statement to the world that we will not allow
terrorist attacks to damage our industries," he said. "That's what I think
was motivating it."

While Winston is not opposed to economic decisions made with a social goal
in mind, he said Congress may have gone about it the wrong way. Instead of
giving away cash, the government should have cut airfare taxes, he said.
That would have spurred revenues by enabling carriers to squeeze more
profits out of each ticket sold, he said.

Certainly the airlines believe they've made significant strides in reducing
their high fixed costs since Sept. 11: About 100,000 employees were let go,
flight schedules were reduced and smaller planes were substituted for larger
ones. And late last week, Delta Air Lines became the first major carrier to
eliminate base commissions to travel agents.

Still, airline officials say the industry's persistent malaise is evidence
of just how badly they needed the federal aid.

"The prospect of carriers going bankrupt wasn't just one or two, but more
like half the industry," said David Swerienga, chief economist of the Air
Transport Association, an industry trade group based in Washington.

Michael Boyd, a Colorado-based airline consultant, said travelers who rely
on smaller airports were the real beneficiaries. If an airline serving a
tiny community went bankrupt, there is no guarantee a competitor would take
over the route.

"With some of these communities, when they lose air service, they lose
economic growth," Boyd said.

But critics of the bailout say there is nothing to prevent airlines from
leaving less profitable airports anyway. That is exactly the type of
precondition that Rep. Peter DeFazio, a Democratic congressman from Oregon
who voted against the bailout package, would have liked to have seen written
into the airline stabilization act.

Passenger demand has gradually improved over the past six months, yet it
remains about 10 percent below year-ago levels, even with a 15 percent
decrease in the average price of a domestic ticket.

Wall Street analysts predict major carriers will post losses of as much as
$3.5 billion in 2002 – roughly the same outlook for the industry in 2001,
prior to Sept. 11. No major carriers have filed for bankruptcy in the past
six months and analysts do not expect any in the immediate future.

© 2002 The Associated Press

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