Time of observation: 1235-1520hrs Central Departure runways used: 35L, 35C Ceiling: Unlimited Winds: 330, 15-20 Knots, Gusts to 25, Wind Shear +/- 10 knots at 80 ft. Notes: AAL 1702 declared a "security" problem, requesting to hold on taxiway MIKE until the problem could either be ascertained or corrected. Pilot stated this problem originated at the point of origin for the flight. 1702 was eventually allowed to taxi to their gate. As I left the airport at approx 1545hrs and was driving north on the spine access road, I observed that traffic in and out of Terminal "C" was totally at a standstill. Unsure what caused that standstill, unless it was related to AAL 1702. There was a temporary stop on eastbound traffic from about 1345 to 1350hrs. The following are my observations. Delimiter is a ",". Airline,Nbr,Aircraft,Nbr AAL,56,MD80,35 EGF,19,B757,15 DAL,14,S340B,14 CAA,11,CRJ,13 SKW,5,F100,12 USA,3,E145,6 BSY,2,B737,5 CTL,1,B767,4 COM,1,E120,4 BTA,1,A319,2 TAI,1,B727,2 NWA,1,MET,2 ,,DC9,1