NYTimes.com Article: First Tower to Fall Was Hit at Higher Speed, Study Finds

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First Tower to Fall Was Hit at Higher Speed, Study Finds

February 23, 2002


Researchers trying to explain why the World Trade Center's
south tower fell first, though struck second, are focusing
on new calculations showing that the passenger jet that hit
the south tower had been flying as fast as 586 miles an
hour, about 100 miles an hour faster than the other
hijacked plane.

The speed of the two planes at impact has been
painstakingly estimated using a mix of video, radar and
even the recorded sounds of the planes passing overhead.

Two sets of estimates, by government and private
scientists, have surfaced, but both show that the plane
that hit the south tower at 9:02 a.m., United Airlines
Flight 175, approached the trade center at extremely high
speed, much faster than American Airlines Flight 11, which
hit the north tower at 8:46 a.m.

In fact, the United plane was moving so fast that it was at
risk of breaking up in midair as it made a final turn
toward the south tower, traveling at a speed far exceeding
the 767-200 design limit for that altitude, a Boeing
official said.

"These guys exceeded even the emergency dive speed," said
Liz Verdier, a Boeing spokeswoman. "It's off the chart."

The speed of the planes is far from the only factor that
will be important in explaining why the south tower, which
was struck between the 78th and 84th floors, fell within 56
minutes and the north tower, which was hit between the 94th
and 99th floors, stood for 102 minutes.

Ultimately, it was the combination of structural damage and
the fires, fueled by thousands of gallons of jet fuel, that
brought the buildings down. The south tower was also hit at
a lower point, meaning there was more weight bearing down
on the damaged floors.

But the difference in the towers' survival times, which
translated into a difference in the amount of time tenants
and rescue personnel had to get out, could be related in
part to the planes' speeds, researchers said.

"Clearly one plane came in faster and had more energy," Dr.
Jerome Connor, a professor of civil engineering at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is studying the
collapses, said of the new calculations, in which he was
not directly involved.

"If one building had more damage, it would take less for
the heat to build up enough for it to come down," Dr.
Connor said. "That would help explain why the building that
was hit second, fell first."

The high speed of United Flight 175 may also have
complicated the hijackers' mission, because it would have
been more difficult to make accurate adjustments in the
plane's direction, several pilots said. Loud and repeated
alarms would also have been sounding in the cockpit.

"The faster you go, the less time and room you have for
error," said Tim O'Toole, a former 767 pilot and staff
engineer in safety department of the Air Line Pilots

The flight data recorders from the two planes have not been
found; Boeing officials said these so-called black boxes
are not designed to survive the forces they encountered in
the collapse.

But a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
by closely studying videos of the attack, has estimated the
planes' speeds. The Federal Aviation Administration, in
consultation with the National Transportation Safety Board,
has come up with its own estimates, based on radar and

The M.I.T. analysis, by Eduardo Kausel, a professor of
civil and environmental engineering, found that the United
plane was traveling an estimated 537 m.p.h., while the
American plane, the first to hit, was traveling 429 m.p.h.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said the government's
analysis put the speeds at 586 m.p.h. for the United flight
and 494 m.p.h. for the American one.

In both cases, the planes were flying much faster than they
should have been at that altitude: the aviation agency's
limit below 10,000 feet is 287 m.p.h.

Investigators could not say for sure why one plane was
traveling faster than the other; it may have been
accidental choices of novice pilots, or perhaps the second
group of hijackers feared being shot down. But what is
clear is that at impact, this difference was important.

The energy of motion carried by any object, called the
kinetic energy, varies as the square of its velocity, so
even modest differences in speed can translate into large
variations in what the building had to absorb.

That means that while the United jet was traveling only
about a quarter faster than the American jet, it would have
released about 50 percent more energy on impact.

"The difference is enormous," Dr. Kausel said of the energy
created by the impact of the planes.

Even at a speed of only about 500 m.p.h., a partly loaded
Boeing 767 weighing 132 tons would have created about three
billion joules of energy at impact, the equivalent of
three- quarters of a ton of T.N.T., according to another
team of researchers at M.I.T.

Only about 6 percent of that energy would be used up in
cutting more than 30 exterior steel columns, said Dr.
Tomasz Wierzbicki, a professor of applied mechanics at
M.I.T., who did his research with a student, Liang Xue. But
some 25 percent would go into ripping up floor structures
and 56 percent in damaging structural columns in the core.

The energy poured into the core at this speed would
probably be enough to damage or break about 23 of the 47
columns in the core. At a higher speed, more may have been

Aviation experts have disagreed over just how difficult the
mission was for the hijackers, who had limited flying
experience and had probably never operated a real
commercial jet. The high speeds added to the complexity of
their task.

The typical cruise speed of a Boeing 767-200 at 35,000 feet
is 530 m.p.h. The lower the plane goes, however, the
thicker the air becomes, so the slower the plane must
travel to avoid excessive stress.

Flying a Boeing 767 straight ahead at 1,000 to 1,500 feet
would not be too difficult, even at more than 580 m.p.h.,
and it would most likely not threaten the structural
integrity of the plane, a half a dozen pilots and a Boeing
spokeswoman said.

But accurately turning the plane at that speed and
maintaining the proper pitch, or up and down movement, is
difficult, the pilots said, particularly for a novice
pilot, and turning at that speed would have put excessive
stress on the plane.

An automatic pilot device could have directed the hijacked
planes to Manhattan, if the hijackers knew how to enter
certain coordinates into the computerized flight management
system. But as they approached the city, the hijackers
almost certainly had to take manual control of the
aircraft, because the automatic pilot in navigation mode is
not accurate enough to target the center of building,
pilots said.

Video of the approach of United Flight 175 to the south
tower shows that it banked westward in the final moments,
its right wing going up, its left wing down. That maneuver
may have been intended to maximize damage to the building.
But it has been interpreted by some pilots as a sign that
the hijacker nearly missed the tower.

"It was unfortunate luck," said Richard Fariello, a retired
T.W.A. captain who works as a consultant to NASA. "The way
he was headed, he could have just clipped it perhaps with
one wing. There is a good chance that would have been the

Structural engineers cannot yet say how important a role
the planes' speed played in how quickly the towers
collapsed. Aside from the fact that the second plane hit a
lower floor, it also struck more to one side of the tower's
face, presumably causing asymmetric damage that could have
made it more difficult for the tower to reapportion its
loads among surviving structural columns.

But determining the force and energy of impact is the
starting point for any effort to understand what failures
within the buildings eventually caused collapse, said Dr.
Shyam Sunder, chief of the structures division at the
building and fire research lab of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology.

"It's important to have the speed of the plane and the
direction that it hit for any analysis that we do relating
to aircraft impact on the structure," Dr. Sunder said.

If the plane that hit the south tower had been traveling
slower, and the tower perhaps had stood longer, it is still
unclear how many more people would have survived. Even
though the south tower fell in only 56 minutes, fewer
tenants died in it than in the north tower. In large part,
that is because many of the people who worked in the upper
floors had evacuated during the 16 minutes between the two
attacks. But extra time might have meant that those trapped
above the impact zone at the south tower would have found
the one emergency exit stairwell that was still passable.


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