In a message dated 1/15/02 8:36:59 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: > Over the weekend, I was talking with an America West employee, and he > told me he didn't expect them to take any 318s. Apparently it's been > having hot-and-high issues, which would make the plane pretty useless > Hmmmm...sounds pretty illogical to me as one of the engine options is the CFM 56-5B, whose bigger brother (56-5) is hung on the A319-321 series. This sportscar with wings is a welter weight at 145,000 MGTOW and YES, Baja, the wingspan exceeds the fuselage length by almost nine feet! Vrroom..bring on the hot and high!! It remains to be seen if Cactus takes delivery of the A318 as at present they really don't need additional expenses.. RT Simpson Phoenix