The problem that nobody in govt. seems to comprehend yet is the need to keep threats out of the aviaition system. By keeping bad people outside the system, the dependency on the screener is reduced. The best approach is to start security with the booking process. That allows the most time to conduct screening -- when a threat enters the reservation system, everyone with an interest (law enforcement and airlines) can act immediately. When this threat turns up at the airport, the person might be apprehended or just monitored up to boarding, and then remove the person to conduct appropriate interviews. This kind of what AA's security people did when denying Reid his flight but then they were over ruled by French security at Paris the next day to enable him to fly. Until people comprehend that aviation security starts with a reservation, forget about flying being really safe. Its a crap game, where people are winning right now because fellow passengers will kill/maime/disable anyone who appears to be a threat. Current security works because passengers are the real security in the system -- not law enforcement. -----Original Message----- From: The Airline List [mailto:AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU]On Behalf Of Greg Newbold Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 5:30 AM To: AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU Subject: Educated Baggage & Passenger screeners? Charles & List I can't decide whether your political diatribe is tongue-in-cheek or just fox-news simplistic so I'll get to the real issue. Do we need to raise the education level for someone to screen baggage? I'm surmising you envision the role of baggage screener to be more intrusive than simply a "baggage screener"? You're suggesting the "baggage screener" will ask questions, interview and evaluate responses and presumeably make some decision based on his (baggage screener's) evaluation. I don't think the role of federalized baggage screener was intended to interview etc and was created to screen baggage for weapons etc and thus the ideal employee would be one that could focus on imagery for hours regardless of his education. Why not hire police officers to screen baggage? The law enforcement community turned this empire-building opportunity down flat. Why? They know, as I know, it wouldn't be long before one of their officers let something slip through. Does anyone think the flying public is ready, economically and politically, to submit to the El El check-in process? The airlines have reduced flights substantially since 9-11 and will do so again if the El Al process is instituted as passengers will avoid flying except for long distances. El Al with their limited flight schedule can delay, but UA etc cannot IMHO. BTW "...philosophy of discussion that occurs in an educational environment" Are you talking about high school? Greg -----Original Message----- From: charles thomas [] Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:19 PM To:; b747; brent; chris; chuck ernst; garvin; marina; mikeyr; MrsVolvo; reyp; southwest; steve; upsplane; wendell Cc: 4805; united air lines Subject: Re: [Sky-1] Uneducated SecurityScreeners to Stay??? Why not? I think not. The reason I stress education is that with the volume of traffic being submitted for perusal, it requires someone with patience and discipline, and an experience of the world, that comes with the philosophy of discussion that occurs in an educational environment. Failure to complete high school in this day and age, suggests someone who cannot deal with the contensioness of life...and makes poor decisions. Our enemy is dedicated, and cannot be rehabilited. They believe they put a feather in their cap by killing innocent civilians, prior to their going to sit by their diety... Although stupid, given our shoe bomber, who could just as easily gone to the restroom to light his shoes...Or the sweating cock-a-roch who was caught nervously crossing the Canadian border @Jan2000. We need screeners with perception, and an experience of life, which gives them insight to judge. Not burgerflippers... The problem with Americans, is that our experience and viewpoints in regards to the experience of life, does not contain individuals that will willingly kill themselves and innocent civilians, Cuban, Mexican, Japanese, Black, or White Americans... Because they believe we are infidels and the US government...when most, are not a party to the US decision making process, such as bailing out airlines, and providing remedy for Ohio flood victims...personally, I feel sorry for them, but, they live on a flood plain. What did they expect? I say, don't use my tax dollars to bail them out. Our ignorant, blindered, unrehabilatable enemy, does not make this distinction, hence, we need to drop "pOlItIcAlCoRrEcTnEsS", and post our best for our defense...after all, we send the Marines to battle, not the pudgy, overweight mass of pissed off Americans I see regularly passing through airports... Our security, in the light of an enemy who would pack a suitcase bomb, board the plane, order cracked crab, the lobster tail, and champagne, and willingly blow up with the plane whilst on board, requires our best, just like the USMarines. Lose the ACLU, political correctness for another day...our very existence and economy depends on the actions we take. Remember, these m*&^tha&*kers, cannot be rehabilitated...They WILL try again, especially since they live amongst us, and we are unwilling to take the necessary action(s)...due to the OlIvEbRaNcH huggers, ACLU, and other downtrodden witnesses in society. The necessary action is: Profiling, and allowing those who have never committed suicidal act(s) to pass. It may sound Buchanan-esque to say this, but only one immigrant to America, can solicit 19 assholes to fly planes into buildings. McVeigh, is the 10 year abberation, so save that argument. It's time to get real, nationalize production facilties of capability, and produce the scanners and sniffers we need. These cock-a-roaches WILL try again. We need our best line of defense. Stop the rhetoric, and let's get busy... like yesterday. Anything less is foolish compassion and a failure to recognize the threat that lives amongst us. Anyone who can live in America, for FIVEYEARS, even with their extremist fourth world views, dine, party and converse with our citizenry, yet still slit throats and fly my UAL N612UA into a building, needs to be thwarted and exterminated. Remember, the enemy cannot be rehabilitated. Profiling may seems bad to some, because they feel all "MiddleEasterners" aren't bad. However, might I suggest that if you had a big house, and 10 daughters, and I suggested that I and 5 of my friends stay with you, but 2 of them are rapists, but I don't know which one(s), I think you would question your compassionate, olive branch toting views, no??? That's what we have, with the enemy amongst us. :o Charles - Fan of getting real, before it's to late, and of course, the original Deltababi! :) --- W Wilson <> wrote: > Wouldn't the person of greater education be more > inclined to not give a damn > or feel the position is beneath him/her and/or leave > because of the > position 'not being exciting enough'? > > Walter > DCA > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Greg Newbold" <> > To: <>; "b747" > <>; "brent" > <>; "chris" > <>; "chuck ernst" > <>; "marina" > <>; "mikeyr" > <>; "MrsVolvo" > <>; "reyp" > <>; "wendell" <> > Cc: "4805" <>; "garvin" > <> > Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 18:51 > Subject: [Sky-1] Uneducated SecurityScreeners to > Stay??? Why not? > > > > What's changed, hopefully, is the training > provided the screeners. Another > > assumption is the federalized screeners will not > be under the airlines' > > thumb and thus not constrained by flight schedules > etc. > > Education levels have nothing to do with the > ability to screen baggage > and, > > if you think it does, perhaps we should only hire > PhDs.... > > > > Greg > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: charles thomas [] > > Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 6:43 AM > > To:; b747; brent; chris; > chuck ernst; marina; > > mikeyr; MrsVolvo; reyp; wendell > > Cc: 4805; garvin > > Subject: [Sky-1] Uneducated SecurityScreeners to > Stay??? > > > > > > The QUESTION is... now that the Federal Government > > has removed the HighSchool graduate requirement > for > > security screeners, which a significant share are > > not, and is expediting citizenship for those who > > are not, and chose not to be prior to the > > requirement... > > > > Are we getting a better quality screener(s) as > > promised? Or, have we just "federalized" the > > exisiting staff(s), and given them a raise? > > > > What's changed??? > > > > I know I for one will feel much more secure, > > with the same burgerflippers in charge of my > > safety....!!!NOT!!! > > > > :o > > > > Charles - feeling like a lemming being herded > > off the cliff with this security boggle. > > > > :o > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Send your FREE holiday greetings online! > > > > > > > > SkyOne--The Airline News Channel > > To Post message: > > To Subscribe: > > > To Unsubscribe: > > > List owner: > > Skyone URL: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > SkyOne--The Airline News Channel > > To Post message: > > To Subscribe: > > > To Unsubscribe: > > > List owner: > > Skyone URL: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! 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