seth vidal wrote:
On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 06:39 +1100, David Timms wrote:
yum install foo
[foo renamed /etc/foo.cfg to /etc/foo.cfg.rpmold: versioned at ...]
[foo created /etc/foo.cfg: versioned at /var/cache/rollback/...]
I guess that is a bit simplified; it's not just config files that can
get modified in scriptlets. Perhaps you could version the /etc/ folder
and commit any change after each yum transaction ?
it's not just /etc
think about updates like:
mysql4 -> mysql5
you have to roll back the db versions
and NOT roll back the data.
Perhaps it would still be useful to have rollback functionality that
knows about packages that aren't nice to rollback - and excludes them.
If it was a yum plugin, perhaps a proposed update could warn you before
hand that you wouldn't be able to rollback package X before the upgrade.
There is also no way to be sure that an older version is still available
in any of the yum repos that are defined.
I know this flies in the face of Fedora bug resolve by upstream release
paradigm ;-) , but sometimes stuff just has to work - now.
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