Hello, I have FC3 (x86) and I want to install yum-util. I cannot upgrade currently this machine to fc4/fc5 beacuse of many reasons. on rpmfind.net there is no rpm for fc3. So I downloaded the yum-utils-0.6 tar from http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/yum-utils/; the readme doesnot specify exactly how to build and install it; so and I tried : "make install" (I hope this is the way). Now , running yumdownloader (and alsoyumdownloader with the needed paramters) give the following error: yumdownloader shows: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yumdownloader", line 28, in ? from yum.misc import getCacheDir ImportError: cannot import name getCacheDir It is probably something with a path to some python source code. Any ideas what I should do ? Regards, MR