Is it possible to export a list of installed packages, take that list to a second machine, and then have yum import that list and add and remove packages on the second machine to match the list? Are there any tools, or yum options for doing this? I have a set of similar machines, which I plan to install with identical packages. The machines are already setup with FC4, and I have added and removed some packages from the default install on one of the machines. I'd like to replicate that install on the other machines. If there are better ways of solving this problem, please let me know. It seems that I can export a list using yum list installed | cut -d ' ' -f 1 No doubt I could write a script that could compare that list with the list on the new machine, and yum install or yum remove the appropriate packages. However, reading this list and other pages, it appears that scripting yum is not recommended. I'd be grateful for any advice, Many thanks, Ian.