Glen Vickers said: > I am trying to get an antiviral program on my linux box. When I go to > install it gives me dependency errors. I do the yum update on any of > these > packages and yum tells me that they are installed and up to date. However > if I do a web search or look for the release that the program is looking > for > (in this case clamav) there is newer releases out there. I have even > found > the packages I need at in their distro ftp site. So > how > can I get yum to update all packages on my box like it's supposed to? I > have tried 2 different yum.conf files that I have. Ones from LSU and the > other was with the linux RH3 distro right off the CD. > Which OS are you running, and from what repository are you trying to install clamav? It sounds like you're running an older version of Fedora/RedHat which doesn't have the needed dependencies for the build of clamav you are trying to use. Either try rebuilding clamav from a source rpm, or perhaps upgrade your OS to something newer... -Jeff