On Tuesday 18 October 2005 13:15, seth vidal wrote: > it's mostly b/c it is doing a regex of .*userstring.* Are we stuck with being legacy compat with multiple representations of packageSack? Because this could be re-tooled to use a SQL "like" query into a carefully keyed sqlite database. Also, we could learn lessons from rpmfind.net and rpm.pbone.net about how the search should be setup. For example, if they want to look for a file, then provide full path. Code then keys off of "/". Then, a plain "mt" only looks in package names. If user doesn't know if "mt" is in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin, then burden is placed on the user to enumerate the possibilities. Searching files, package names, etc. etc., in one swoop can be a gargantuan undertaking. -- -jeff