On Monday 25 April 2005 21:51, Greg Knaddison wrote: > I don't think that finding the dependencies of the original packages > is the best way of attacking this problem. > > I think that you might have better luck looking at the install.log and > install.log.syslog and /var/log/yum.log > Thanks, but that sounds a bit unwieldy/error prone to me. I'm basically trying to implement a system where I define (somewhere in a central location) the set of files that a machine _should_ have (ideally by keeping a list of groups- say 'base, core, admin-tools, my-websrv-pkgs') and somehow verify it. I'd rather not rely on anything other than the currently installed rpm db and the dependency/group info from my yum repositories. That way, no matter how the groups change (if I remove 'php' from 'my-websrv-pkgs', for instance), or who installs what on a system (another SA installs ImageMagick for a custom app, but forgets to record it), I'll know exactly what the difference is and how to fix it. I could just keep a list of currently installed rpms and diff, but in the case of removing php above, this may result in having cruft left in the list- package 'foo', which 'php' relies on, and possibly package 'bar' that 'foo' relied on, etc... After a few changes who knows how many unneeded packages would be left behind? So far I've found the following really slow, hacky way of doing it: diff <(mkdir -p /tmp/temproot ; rpm --root /tmp/temproot --initdb ; rpm --root /tmp/temproot --import RPM-GPG-KEY ; mkdir -p /tmp/temproot/var/cache/yum ; echo n | yum --installroot=/tmp/temproot -d 1 groupinstall base core | grep Install: | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/\.[^\.]*//' | sort ; rm -rf /tmp/temproot) <(rpm -qa --qf '%{Name}\n' | sort) Clearly not the best way. I've been poking around the yum code hoping to find a nifty function that did something like: 'full_pkg_list = ResolveDependencies(requested_pkg_list' but it seems to be a lot more complicated than that. So anyway, if anyone could help out I'd be very appreciative :) -JayKim