(I'm not a list member, so if you want me to se any answer, you need to add me explicitly on an address line.) The manual page for yum (2.3.1) has this sequence: repositories. By default it will list only the most recent packages. If the 'updates' argument is given then it will list updates available for that system. However, an apostrophe on the first position on a line starts a command sequence in nroff, just like a full stop. Since "updates" isn't a command, the result is that the line is ignored, and the formatted pages comes out as: ages in the enabled repositories. By default it will list only the most recent packages. If the system. (As I understand it, at the time the language was designed, ASCII prevailed, and todays Unicode distinction between apostrophes, quotation marks, etc. wasn't yet begun. So ASCII 0x60 was used as opening quotation mark as well as grave accent etc., and ASCII 0x27 was used as closing quotation mark among other things. Thus, the way to quote was like `this', which is ok to have at the start of a line in nroff code.)