Well, here is some additional data: It seems the package download of upgrade always hangs while downloading particular packages: gtk2 kernel-utils ghostcripts-fonts fonts-xorg-base xorg-x11-devel xpdf slang Now, I could update slang, xpdf, gtk2 by running a separate yum update for them. But that does not work with xorg-x11-devel: it just hangs at the xorg-x11-devel package download phase and always when the download meter shows 76%. The fonts-xorg-base download always hangs at 48%. The ghostscript-fonts download hangs at 17%. These are completely reproducable data. -- Mate --- Mate Wierdl | Dept. of Math. Sciences | University of Memphis Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html