Folks, Seeing as this has been discussed many times I'll get to the point: has anyone considered poking an ordered dictionary through to ConfigParser? Apart from touching a supposed private attribute (which I can live with), this would seem to be a simple solution... In yum/ ======================================== ... class ConfigDictionary(dict): def __setitem__ (self, key, value): dict.__setitem__ (self, key, (len (self), value,)) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key)[1] def ordered_sids(self): i = [(v, k) for (k, v) in self.items()] i.sort() return [k for (v, k) in i] class yumconf: def __init__(self, configfile = '/etc/yum.conf'): self.cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.cfg._sections = ConfigDictionary() #!!!!!! etc... ======================================== In yum/ serverlist = [sid for sid in conf.cfg._sections.ordered_sids() if sid in conf.servers] if conf.pkgpolicy == 'first': serverlist.reverse() conf.pkgpolicy = 'last' #serverlist = conf.servers #serverlist.sort() ======================================== Cheers, C. -- Cymon J. Cox <cymon@xxxxxxxx>