I apologize if this has already been covered, I looked in the archives and didn't see anything regarding it. I am interested in why there is a difference in the location of the header.info file created by yum-arch and accessed by yum relative to the directories. I run 'yum-arch .' and then my dir looks like: headers/foo.rpm.hdr headers/foo2.rpm.hdr headers/header.info packages/foo.rpm packages/foo2.rpm /var/cache/yum/repository contains: headers/foo.rpm.hdr headers/foo2.rpm.hdr packages/foo.rpm packages/foo2.rpm header.info So the header.info file is in the root of the repository directory vs inside the header directory. There may be a good reason for this and for our situation we have a work around, but I wanted to ask here. We export the yum repository via nfs and automount it on the lab boxes. We then put file:/nfs/mount in yum.conf and link /var/cache/yum to /nfs/mount also. Then running 'yum -C update' works. The lab boxes then don't have to have a local cache. The only thing that needs to change is I symlink headers/header.info -> header.info on the yum repository so that the cache appears correct. Yum is a great product and we thank you for it. -- matt whiteley <mattw@xxxxxxxxxxx>