Hi I have two local repositories on my RH9 machine /var/ftp/pub/9/updates - these hold the redhat updates /var/ftp/pub/9/rawhide - these hold the rawhide updates I have two header files, one for each repository my yum.conf file looks like this [rh9 updates] name=rh9 updates baseurl= #[rh9 rawhide] #name=rawhide #baseurl= Basically I am a lazy guy so I try and use yum whenever I can as I cannot be asked to sort out dependancies. I normally only want my system to be updated with the packages in /9/updates. For this yum works fine. But if I want to apply a package from rawhide eg evolution 1.4.4, I have to un-comment the rawhide lines from the yum.conf file run yum -y update evolution* what for the update and all dependancies to finish then recomment out rawhide in yum.conf. Is there a better way (clever way) to selectively apply patches from specific repositories?