Hey, a couple of simple things I added to the new daily. 1. url for conf file ie: yum -c http://myserver/mypath/yum.conf http, ftp and file urls 2. new [main] option in the config file 'commands' any of the functional commands will run when placed here. for example [main] ... stuff here ... commands = update foo bar baz if you run yum w/o any options it will then run update foo bar baz. it will only work for non - and -- options. so: update, list, install, upgrade, provides, clean, erase. Command line overrides config file, of course. So, the enterprising of you can clearly see the mischief you can get into w/the two aforementioned features :) a little cgi scripting and you could get a lot of things to happen in your nightly cron jobs completely from the server-side. Not that I'm suggesting anything, mind you. ;) http://www.dulug.duke.edu/yum/download/daily/yum-20030214.tar.gz Let me know what breaks. thanks -sv