We made the decision to purchase and deploy RHEL and are now faced with a problem which hasn't been discussed here since a brief thread in July. I'm hoping someone has devised a clever solution since then... The only way to get errata binary packages for RHEL is via Red Hat Network. Up2date is all fine and good, but yum does exactly what we want. Since we can no longer simply mirror Red Hat's errata packages using ftp or rsync, our only options seem to be: - Use' up2date -d' on one computer to download RPMs without installing them and copy these into our yum repositories. Unfortunately, we'd end up with only the packages that particular system needed and I'd like our repositories to be complete. or - Manually download each new package from rhn.redhat.com, or possibly write a script to extract package names from the errata lists and fetch the appropriate files. Are there other options I've missed, or is this the best we can do? Thanks, Ian Masterson Dept. of Electrical Engineering (SSLI) University of Washington, Seattle