On 17 Jun 2002, seth vidal wrote: > > seems to work locally. I'm trying a running update from 7.2 -> 7.3 as I > > write this and it is telling me that it is getting a very long list of > > .hdr files, so I presume that it is working. It'll take a while to know > > for sure over a DSL line...;-) > > > the stock distributed yum doesn't need a duke-specific conf file. The > one in the dulug distro has a duke-specific conf file, though. > > > Icon did a 7.1 -> 7.3 upgrade this weekend, and excluding a few hiccups > had few problems. Ah. I'm getting hiccups myself. They are primarily errors of the form: Errors installing: ('file /usr/sbin/smrsh from install of sendmail-8.11.6-15 conflicts with file from package sendmail-smrsh-8.11.6-3_dulug1', (7, '/usr/sbin/smrsh', 0)) ('file /usr/share/man/man8/smrsh.8.gz from install of sendmail-8.11.6-15 conflicts with file from package sendmail-smrsh-8.11.6-3_dulug1', (7, '/usr/share/man/man8/smrsh.8.gz', 0)) ('file /usr/include/kde/kbabel/catalog.h from install of kdesdk-kbabel-3.0.0-5 conflicts with file from package kdesdk-devel-2.2.2-1', (7, '/usr/include/kde/kbabel/catalog.h', 0)) Now, in just about all of these the error likely results from a reorganization of packages installed under 7.2 -- smrsh is in sendmail in one case, in a separate package in another. kbabel/catalog.h is in kbabel in one case, devel in the other. Are cases like these automatable? In just about every case, "doing the right thing" is going to be --erasing the old packages until yum is happy installing the new packages. The way things look now, I'll have to do this by hand, a package at a time (which makes me nervous -- erasing packages before I know that yum is going to eventually get through the update:-). Are there any points further on that yum could barf if I go ahead and erase the conflicting packages? rgb Robert G. Brown http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/ Duke University Dept. of Physics, Box 90305 Durham, N.C. 27708-0305 Phone: 1-919-660-2567 Fax: 919-660-2525 email:rgb@xxxxxxxxxxxx