<humbleopinion> Branch it, with new developments going into the 2.2-requiring version and bugfixes going into both old and new for a few months. This, of course, assumes it isn't possible to maintain compatibility for the current features and only pull in the 2.2 requiring code when 2.2 is available (I don't know enough about Python to know if this is feasible). </humbleopinion> Installation of Python 2.2 isn't incredibly difficult in most environments and circumstances (though it does make it hard to provide backwards support for Red Hat 6.2, since 6.2 isn't as easily upgradeable to Python 2.2 via RPM--and since I have a number of machines running Red Hat 6.2 that I'm going to be upgrading to 7.3 via Yum once the testing phase is over, this matters to me a bit). Python 2.2 SRPMS can be rebuilt for Red Hat 7.2 easily, and probably 7.0/7.1 as well. Since I've just done a flawless upgrade of 7.2 to 7.3 using the current yum release, I'm not afraid of any problems on 7.x machines (because I can use the current yum to upgrade to a Red Hat version that can easily have python 2.2). ;-) Don't let backwards compatability hold back progress if you can't avoid breaking it. Since Red Hat has been pretty aggressive about killing backwards compatibility in RPM in the past (and shows no sign of slowing the breakage), it would be impossible for something that relies on RPM so much to maintain a higher level of backwards compatibility. But Red Hat are also good about rolling back requirements to all supported versions (which 6.2 will be for a while yet, I hope). So whatever is required to work with new RPM versions will likely make it on back to 6.2. Users of other Linux distributions might not have such luck, though. seth vidal wrote: > Hi folks, > I've been working on the comps.xml support this weekend and I realized > that if I want to use the comps support that red hat has kindly come up > with it will require a move to python 2.2 > > unicode support is needed for the comps.xml file to be parsed. > > so....... > > decisions decisions. > > I'm open to suggestions :) > > -sv -- Joe Cooper <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Web caching appliances and support. http://www.swelltech.com