Hi. This is a little OT, but anyway : I have recently tested yum, and it worked, although it was noticable that some features are not yet there. Since i am used to up2date, i have taken upon myself to devise a up2date server substitute that would be simple, and surprisingly it was - all that was needed is a 10 line perl script and some apache configurations for starters. After that some python knowldge was required, but learning stuff never stopped me before. I was wondering if there is a list where up2date and other installers like yum, aptrpm and others are discussed, where i would be able to contribute with my development .. If anyone is interested, the description of my project is found at www.nrh-up2date.com (yes, that's Not RedHat up2date, and it's a temporary domain, i didn't want it to be a .com) Alex.