Re: [PATCH 3/7] ASoC: dt-bindings: add schema for rockchip SAI controllers

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On 06/03/2025 14:13, Nicolas Frattaroli wrote:
> On Thursday, 6 March 2025 08:42:54 Central European Standard Time Krzysztof 
> Kozlowski wrote:
>> On 05/03/2025 22:24, Nicolas Frattaroli wrote:
>>> Rockchip introduced a new audio controller called the "Serial Audio
>>> Interface", or "SAI" for short, on some of their newer SoCs. In
>>> particular, this controller is used several times on the RK3576 SoC.
>>> Add a schema for it, with only an RK3576 compatible for now. Other SoCs
>>> may follow as mainline support for them lands.
>>> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Frattaroli <nicolas.frattaroli@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ---
>>>  .../devicetree/bindings/sound/rockchip,sai.yaml    | 151
>>>  +++++++++++++++++++++
>> Filename based on compatible.
> Sure, but more compatibles will follow. Are you certain you want a file named 
> rockchip,rk3576-sai.yaml to then contain rockchip,rk3528-sai? If so then I do 

Yes (or the other way around if 3528 is older)

> not understand the reason behind this policy.

So the name will match hardware, instead of sai.yaml, sai2.yaml,
sai3.yaml and sai-green-frog.yaml.

>>>  MAINTAINERS                                        |   6 +
>>>  2 files changed, 157 insertions(+)
>> ...
>>> +
>>> +  dma-names:
>>> +    minItems: 1
>>> +    maxItems: 2
>>> +    oneOf:
>>> +      - const: tx
>>> +      - const: rx
>>> +      - items:
>>> +          - const: tx
>>> +          - const: rx
>> Why all combinations are possible?
> Because they are. sai5 in rk3576 is rx only. sai7 is tx only. Others are both 

What is sai5 and sai7? Instances on the same chip? Does it mean some of
instances can only receive and some only transmit?

> tx and rx. Do you want me to enforce that those with both are always tx 
> followed by rx?
Best regards,

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