Re: [PATCH 3/7] ASoC: dt-bindings: add schema for rockchip SAI controllers

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On 05/03/2025 22:24, Nicolas Frattaroli wrote:
> Rockchip introduced a new audio controller called the "Serial Audio
> Interface", or "SAI" for short, on some of their newer SoCs. In
> particular, this controller is used several times on the RK3576 SoC.
> Add a schema for it, with only an RK3576 compatible for now. Other SoCs
> may follow as mainline support for them lands.
> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Frattaroli <nicolas.frattaroli@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  .../devicetree/bindings/sound/rockchip,sai.yaml    | 151 +++++++++++++++++++++

Filename based on compatible.

>  MAINTAINERS                                        |   6 +
>  2 files changed, 157 insertions(+)


> +
> +  dma-names:
> +    minItems: 1
> +    maxItems: 2
> +    oneOf:
> +      - const: tx
> +      - const: rx
> +      - items:
> +          - const: tx
> +          - const: rx

Why all combinations are possible?

> +
> +  clocks:
> +    items:
> +      - description: master audio clock
> +      - description: AHB clock driving the interface
> +
> +  clock-names:
> +    items:
> +      - const: mclk
> +      - const: hclk
> +
> +  resets:
> +    minItems: 1
> +    maxItems: 2
> +    description: resets for the mclk domain and ahb domain

List the items instead with description and minItems: 1.

> +
> +  reset-names:
> +    minItems: 1
> +    items:
> +      - const: m
> +      - const: h
> +
> +  port:
> +    $ref: audio-graph-port.yaml#
> +    unevaluatedProperties: false
> +
> +  power-domains:
> +    maxItems: 1
> +
> +  "#sound-dai-cells":
> +    const: 0
> +
> +  rockchip,sai-rx-route:
> +    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array
> +    description:
> +      Defines the mapping of the controller's SDI ports to actual input lanes,
> +      as well as the number of input lanes.
> +      rockchip,sai-rx-route = <3> would mean sdi3 is receiving from data0, and
> +      that there is only one receiving lane.
> +      This property's absence is to be understood as only one receiving lane
> +      being used if the controller has capture capabilities.
> +    maxItems: 4
> +    items:
> +      enum: [0, 1, 2, 3]
> +
> +  rockchip,sai-tx-route:
> +    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array
> +    description:
> +      Defines the mapping of the controller's SDO ports to actual output lanes,
> +      as well as the number of output lanes.
> +      rockchip,sai-tx-route = <3> would mean sdo3 is sending to data0, and

I understand this is only example because = <3> would not be allowed
(test it).

> +      that there is only one transmitting lane.
> +      This property's absence is to be understood as only one transmitting lane
> +      being used if the controller has playback capabilities.
> +    maxItems: 4
> +    items:
> +      enum: [0, 1, 2, 3]
> +
> +  rockchip,always-on:
> +    type: boolean
> +    description:
> +      The hardware requires this controller to remain turned on.

How hardware requires this? You rather miss proper PM domain handling or
some other resources.

> +
> +

Just one blank line.

> +required:
> +  - compatible
> +  - reg
> +  - dmas
> +  - dma-names
> +  - clocks
> +  - clock-names
> +  - "#sound-dai-cells"
> +
> +unevaluatedProperties: false

Best regards,

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