On 1/24/22 17:29, Hakan E. Duran wrote
Then due to its inactive status, I thought it would be a good idea to
start it with:
$sudo virsh net-start default
Network default started
Of note, even though the default network was marked as inactive as
above, it was working. In other words, I was able to reach the VMs,
which are part of that network, even before the `virsh net-start
default` command. Nothing seemed to break with the command either, and
everyting still seemed to work afterwards.
$sudo virsh net-info default
Name: default
UUID: some-number
Active: yes
Persistent: yes
Autostart: yes
Bridge: virbr0
I would really appreciate if you can confirm that this is the desired
state for my network for the purposes I discussed previously. I
apologize if I am oversimplifying things here, it is because of my lack
of in-depth understanding the appropriate set up.
Seeing as there are no other replies yet, for what it's worth,
on my hypervisor I see similar results for a working system,
and to my knowledge it's all running correctly:
# virsh net-info default
Name: default
UUID: 32ecb497-5a0b-46fd-9786-df4a6ceec9ce
Active: yes
Persistent: yes
Autostart: yes
Bridge: virbr0
Also, this from my library of scripts:
# ---- cut here ----
# Yury V. Zaytsev <yury@xxxxxxxxxx> (C) 2011
# cf.
# This work is herewith placed in public domain.
# Use this script to cleanly restart the default libvirt network after its
# definition have been changed (e.g. added new static MAC+IP mappings)
in order
# for the changes to take effect. Restarting the network alone, however,
# the guests to lose connectivity with the host until their network
# are re-attached.
# The script re-attaches the interfaces by obtaining the information
about them
# from the current libvirt definitions. It has the following dependencies:
# - virsh (obviously)
# - tail / head / grep / awk / cut
# - XML::XPath (e.g. perl-XML-XPath package)
# Note that it assumes that the guests have exactly 1 NAC each attached
to the
# given network! Extensions to account for more (or none) interfaces
etc. are,
# of course, most welcome.
set -e
set -u
virsh net-define /opt/config/libvirt/network-$NETWORK_NAME.xml
virsh net-destroy $NETWORK_NAME
virsh net-start $NETWORK_NAME
MACHINES=$( virsh list | tail -n +3 | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2; }' )
for m in $MACHINES ; do
MACHINE_INFO=$( virsh dumpxml "$m" | xpath
/domain/devices/interface[1] 2> /dev/null )
MACHINE_MAC=$( echo "$MACHINE_INFO" | grep "mac address" | cut -d
'"' -f 2 )
MACHINE_MOD=$( echo "$MACHINE_INFO" | grep "model type" | cut -d
'"' -f 2 )
set +e
virsh detach-interface "$m" network --mac "$MACHINE_MAC" && sleep 3
virsh attach-interface "$m" network $NETWORK_NAME --mac
set -e
$NETWORK_HOOK "$m" stopped && sleep 3
$NETWORK_HOOK "$m" start
# ---- cut here ----