On 26.08.2014 18:42, Vasiliy Tolstov wrote:
2014-08-26 19:11 GMT+04:00 Andrey Korolyov <andrey@xxxxxxx
not, right now it is not possible. Why don`t you want to just assign
unique paths for socket name, derived, say, from VM` UUID?
In case of unix domain sockets paths not problem, but i want to connect
to each qemu-ga address from central point. I don't want to use socat ,
as i see qemu have ability to specify host and port and in this case
qemu listens tcp port on this address. But in libvirt schema i can't
provide host and port.
From http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCharTCP
<serial type="tcp">
<source mode="connect" host="" service="2445"/>
<protocol type="raw"/>
<target port="1"/>
(side note, I wonder why the heck we try to connect to in
the example)
I'd say substitute with the IP address of your mgmt host. And
use unique port number per domain, otherwise you'd have to pass XML with
changed/unique port upon migration.
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