Re: virt-sandbox-service

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On 08/21/2014 09:18 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
Is there any documentation/tutorial that explains how to use virt-sandbox-service?
After looking at some writeups about virt-sandbox-service, this looks 
like a good tool for something I need to do.  But, following the 
"examples" I cannot get anything to work correctly.
With a simple xfce install with httpd, lighttpd, and libvirt-sandbox 
installed, I tried:
1. virt-sandbox-service create -C -u lighttpd.service webserver1

which produced a python traceback??

2. virt-sandbox-service create -C -u httpd.service webserver2

Which appeared to work correctly but when I tried:
   virt-sandbox-service start webserver2

I got an error message saying that "start" was not valid???

3. On another system with lighttpd and httpd already installed and able to run, I updated libvirt and friends to the preview version. My virtual systems seem to run OK. I then installed libvirt-sandbox and tried:
   virt-sandbox-service create -C -u httpd.service tstserver

which got some error messages about sockets.

I assume that this stuff has to work for someone.
Never mind ... enough googling finally produced the needed info which is: and
BTW, it would be nice if the quick-start info also pointed to the on on 
networking.  While the networking is obvious once I read the document, 
it was not so obvious without reading the document.

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