I am running package libvirt- on a
kernel-3.6.5-1.fc17.x86_64 Fedora 17.
I have set up the host with an IPv6 address, and I made some successfull
tests transferring in IPv6 mode to/from other hosts.
I want to set up libvirt to get an IPv6 address for his local network
interface, same for the guests.
I want the guests to be able to communicate directly on the internet
through this ipv6 address.
I have had a <ip family="ipv6" address="2001:xxxxxxx" /> line to the
/etc/libvirtd/qemu/network/default.xml file but when I restart the host,
this line disappears and no ipv6 address is added to the libvirt interface.
I have added an ipv6 address to the guest in the same range of the host
address. I can ping6 the address locally on the guest, but can't access
the host.
Is there somewhere a howto-libvirt-ipv6 to understand how to set up the
whole stuff?
Thanks for help
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